The volatility of steel prices and international currency is an element that affects actual project costs. This situation can be mitigated by considering risk contingency as a fixed percentage of the total budget and/or by inputting an inflation factor into the cost estimation. These methods have not overcome the root problem, however, which is the decline in purchasing power of the US dollar as a base currency. As a result, an alternative currency with a stable and reliable value as a cost reference is needed.
This paper will explore the possibility of using gold as an alternative currency to be used in forecasting selected steel prices, i.e. billet, hot rolled coil and scrap steel as the main material components in pipeline projects. The reliability of gold in terms of purchasing power compared to the USD will be discussed together with how gold equivalency can be applied for selected steels to establish a gold-based forecasting model. Finally it will be explained how steel prices will refer to the gold price forecast for the next four years. These methods will change the paradigm for estimating the cost of pipeline projects and may be developedfor and applied to other projects. The volatility of steel prices and international currency is an element that affects actual project costs. This situation can be mitigated by considering risk contingency as a fixed percentage of the total budget and/or by inputting an inflation factor into the cost estimation. These methods have not overcome the root problem, however, which is the decline in purchasing power of the US dollar as a base currency. As a result, an alternative currency with a stable and reliable value as a cost reference is needed.
Keywords: Steel Prices, Gold Price, Cost Estimation, US Dollar, Purchasing Power, Gold Equivalency, Price Forecast, Project Cost Engineering, Pipeline Project Cost.
Seperti yang sudah saya singgung sebelumnya, ada 1 paper sebagai syarat sertifikasi CCE yang dikirimkan ke Journal untuk dipublikasikan. Dan bulan tengah mei ini, jurnal tersebut sudah dipublikasikan dimana paper saya termasuk salah satu di dalamnya. Paper ini adalah paper pertama saya yang masuk di PMWJ, dimana Dr. Paul G. Giammalvo sangat berperan dalam membimbing penyusunan paper ini.
Apa yang menarik dari paper ini? Jika pada paper city gas saya 'keluar' dari lingkup pekerjaan saya, kali ini saya masih dalam lingkup namun cukup teoritis atau 'sedikit akademis'. Artinya dalam keseharian, analisa seperti ini 'tidak sempat' saya lakukan. Namun dengan model dalam paper ini, secara sense bisa terbaca arah kondisi dunia yang terkait dengan pekerjaan saya dalam mengestimasi nilai proyek.
Paper lengkap bisa di download di PM World Journal Edisi May 2013. Sedikit welcoming notes dari Managing Editor PMWJ.
Lalu, bagaimana selanjutnya? Bersama 2 rekan yang lain, saya sedang menyiapkan 2 buah papers yang lolos untuk dipresentasikan di sebuah forum project management di Eropa Timur menjelang winter nanti. Karena masih mentah dan belum tentu juga saya berangkat (baca: perusahaan mau bayarin atau tidak hehe), jadi nanti kita lihat saja. Jika tidak berangkat ke conference tersebut, insyaAllah saya masih punya 'cadangan' 2 paper jadi dan siap 'berangkat'. :)