The CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) program has become a crucial issue for corporate sustainability in recent years. The new CSR approach has included the introduction of characteristics of sustainability adopted from ISO 26000. Integration of CSR with business operations is an essential factor but rarely implemented by oil & gas companies, even though they have a strong commitment to conduct CSR programs as part of their business process.
Furthermore, many CSR programs actually do not have a direct relationship with the actual oil & gas operations, and are executed on a spending basis only. In fact, particularly in developing countries, companies still face problems with their local communities, even when they have spent a lot of money on their CSR programs.
Community or city gas is a CSR program which can be implemented in the oil & gas industry. It follows the operation-integration paradigm and will deliver natural gas from the field operated by the company to the surrounding community. The community will therefore directly gain benefits from the company’s operations, while the company can convey its CSR program and maintain its profitability at the same time.
The “city gas” program implemented by Medco can be further enhanced, and similar programs in other fields can be established. This program shows that the company can therefore run an operation-based CSR effectively by integrating CSR within the company operation. The program is part of the company's efforts to implement the principles of triple-bottom-line economic, social and environmental considerations to cover all business activities and ensure their sustainability in the future.
The CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) program has become a crucial issue for corporate sustainability in recent years. The new CSR approach has included the introduction of characteristics of sustainability adopted from ISO 26000. Integration of CSR with business operations is an essential factor but rarely implemented by oil & gas companies, even though they have a strong commitment to conduct CSR programs as part of their business process.
Furthermore, many CSR programs actually do not have a direct relationship with the actual oil & gas operations, and are executed on a spending basis only. In fact, particularly in developing countries, companies still face problems with their local communities, even when they have spent a lot of money on their CSR programs.
Community or city gas is a CSR program which can be implemented in the oil & gas industry. It follows the operation-integration paradigm and will deliver natural gas from the field operated by the company to the surrounding community. The community will therefore directly gain benefits from the company’s operations, while the company can convey its CSR program and maintain its profitability at the same time.
The “city gas” program implemented by Medco can be further enhanced, and similar programs in other fields can be established. This program shows that the company can therefore run an operation-based CSR effectively by integrating CSR within the company operation. The program is part of the company's efforts to implement the principles of triple-bottom-line economic, social and environmental considerations to cover all business activities and ensure their sustainability in the future.
Sebagai kelanjutan dari tulisan tentang paper sebelumnya, saya akan menginfokan setiap ada informasi paper saya (sebagai author atau co-author) yang publihed.
Pada tanggal 15 - 17 Mei 2013 lalu, diadakan 37th IPA Conference & Exibition di JCC. Saya bersama 2 rekan saya mempublikasikan paper tentang implementasi gas kota yang dilakukan perusahaan di Kota Tarakan, seperti dalam abstrak diatas. Karena lokasi pekerjaan di Tarakan, maka yang mempresentasikan adalah rekan saya, facilities engineer disana. Dan saat tanya jawab, saya membantu menjawab pertanyaan yang diajukan audiences.
Sayangnya foto saat kami menjelaskan masih ada di panitia (belum tahu cara request-nya), jadi saya tampilkan foto yang lain saja disana (background-nya emiten yang sempat 'dimiliki' hehe).
Salah satu menariknya menulis paper (atau menulis secara umum) adalah kita akan punya ide baru ketika selesai menulis tersebut, baikn pengembangan tulisan tersebut atau analisa dari sudut pandang yang lain. Begitu pula paper tentang city gas tersebut, meskipun bukan bidang saya secara langsung, tapi potensi pengembangan tulisan tersebut masih lebar (artinya ada kesempatan publikasi lagi hehe). Namun, lagi-lagi kembali ke masalah niat dan persistensi. Ini yang seringkali mengalahkan ide-ide pengembangan tersebut.
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