Thursday, October 31, 2019

17. Paper (2019): Sustainability Initiative: Integrating Environment and Social E&S Requirements into a Front End Loading FEL Management System

by: Trian H Asmoro, Hirmawan Eko P, Adearty P

All project requirements should completely be defined in the planning phase, thus it seen as the most critical activity in a project's lifecycle. Sustainability aspects for an Exploration & Production (E&P) project need to be included starting from planning phase to identify and manage project risks particularly in Environment and Social (E&S) sides. 

In fact according to a study, some key principles of sustainability have actually been adopted in the E&P activities. Meanwhile, Front End Loading (FEL) is a structured approach to increase the predictability of the project outcomes by narrowing down the risks from all technical, commercial, legal, E&S and other aspects. It uses a stage gate system in order to assure the project prior to authorization and to move on to the next step of investment decision, and a typical FEL method has widely implemented in the E&P business across the globe using different company name. 

One of set of requirements addressing sustainability aspects in a project is that Performance Standards (PS) developed by IFC (International Finance Corporation). It has 8 comprehensive elements and internationally-accepted standard of E&S practices which encourages transparency and positive contribution to environment and community. In addition, adopting IFC PS has been mostly becoming compulsory nowadays when dealing with financial institutions to support a project financing to be considered as green financing. 

This paper will explore how to integrate E&S requirements taken from IFC PS, such as E&S Impact Assessment (ESIA) and E&S Management System (ESMS) into a FEL management system for an E&P company operated in Indonesia. It will discuss the gaps between sustainability features in IFC PS and Government regulation, and finally bridge them properly. To conclude, it is very important to include sustainability requirements earlier in the project's lifecycle to help manage E&S risks in the project and improve the outcomes.

*Find out more on Academia.

16. Paper (2019): Lessons Learned from Adopting Sustainability Aspects for Gas Development Project

by: Trian H Asmoro, Hirmawan Eko P, Adearty P

Oil and gas industry have started integrating sustainability approaches into their oil and operations mainly aiming to manage risks particularly in Environment and Social (E&S) aspects. It is also seen to be aligned with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) where its main principles of sustainability have actually been adopted in the oil and gas activities. One of set of requirements that addresses sustainability aspects in a project is that Performance Standards (PS) developed by IFC (International Finance Corporation). 

IFC PS provides comprehensive standard of E&S practices which encourages transparency and positive contribution to environment and community. It has 8 elements, i.e. managing E&S risks and impacts (PS1), promoting safety and fair treatment of workers (PS2), avoiding pollution from project activities (PS3), managing risks to local communities (PS4), improving livelihoods of displaced persons (PS5), managing living natural resources sustainably (PS6), and protecting the indigenous peoples (PS7) and cultural heritage (PS8). 

Adopting IFC PS has been mostly becoming compulsory nowadays when dealing with financial institutions to support a project financing. This is also known as green financing where a project must adhere with a set of E&S requirements in managing project risks especially in E&S sides. Implementing IFC PS is such a challenging thing when the project has unique characteristics, e.g. located in post-conflict area, no major project in the past decade, and some unpleasant images perceived by the communities from the former operator. 

This paper will discuss lessons learned from implementing IFC PS in a gas development project and developing management system adopted from them, e.g. stakeholder engagement, grievance mechanism, livelihood restoration and environment management. It will also investigate the gaps between aspects in IFC PS and Government regulation, and finally bridge them accordingly. As a result, implementation of management system has helped manage the risks and improve project's performance and outcomes.

*Find out more on Academia.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Mengawali Farmigo, Menumbuhkan Semangat Indonesia

Indonesia membutuhkan pertanian yang kuat sehingga ikut menopang ketahanan pangan sebagai sebuah bangsa. Sektor pertanian yang mencakup pertanian, perkebunan, peternakan dan perikanan menjadi bagian keseharian masyarakat antar generasi, namun saat ini menghadapi bermacam tantangan termasuk semakin ditinggalkan oleh kaum muda.
Farmigofarming on the go, adalah salah satu ikhtiar dari banyak jenis serupa untuk menjembatani kolaborasi para pihak yang ingin mengembangkan dunia pertanian Indonesia. Para petani dan peternak harus didukung dengan sebuah sistem pendanaan yang efisien untuk terus tumbuh bersama berbasiskan keadilan. Bukan hanya pendanaan, Farmigo juga memilki program untuk mendukung para pelaku pertanian di Indonesia dalam berbagai praktek ekonomi digital nusantara.
Karena kami di Farmigo percaya bahwa pertanian menjadi bagian semangat nafas dan jati diri Bangsa Indonesia sepanjang masa. Dengan kita bersama-sama terlibat dalam perkembangan pertanian di Indonesia, maka kita akan turut berkontribusi untuk membentuk masa depan yang lebih baik.
Selamat hari pangan sedunia, 16 Oktober 2019, “our action are our future #zerohungerworld“. Untuk itulah kami lahir hari ini:
#wordfoodday2019 #worldfodday
World Food Day